A 45 year old female with cough and breathlessness

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box.

Chief complaint:

A 45 year female resident of Nalgonda, shop keeper by occupation came to causality with a chief complaint of cough associated with sputum since 7days and Breathlessness since 7 days.

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back then she developed cough with sputum which is aggrevated from 7 days. Sputum is mucoid, non blood stained , non foul smelling.

Seasonal variation-cough is more during nights

No postural variation associated with chest pain while coughing,aggrevated on exposure to dust and cool air .

Then she developed breathlessness from 7 days which is of grade-ll, gradual in onset, seasonal variation on exposure to dust and cool air. 

Wheeze- present 

No orthopnea, no paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea , no cause of fever, chest tightness , palpitations,hemoptysis and sweating 

Throat pain ,burning micturition and History of allergy. 

History of past illness :

No history of loss of weight or loss of appetite 

No similar complaints in the past

Known cause of Hypothyroidism since 5 months (Thyronorm 50mcg)

No history of Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension,Coronary artery disease , Epilepsy, Tuberculosis.

No History of inhaler usage in past 

Personal History: 

Appetite : Normal 

Diet: Mixed 

Bowel and bladder movements: Regular 

Addictions : No 

Micturition: Burning micturition

Known Allergies : yes to dust and cool air 

Family History: 

Not significant 

Menstrual History: 

Age of menarche-12 years 

Duration-3 to 5 days , normal flow for every 28days 

General Examination: 

The patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative and well established to time, place and person

Moderately built and well nourished 

No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy and Edema 


Temperature: Afebrile 

Pulse rate: 95/min

Respiratory rate: 22/min 

BP: 120/80mm /Hg

Spo2 at room air 97% at RA litters of O2 

GRBS: 132mg%

Systemic examination: 

Upper respiratory tract examination:

Nose -Right sided turbinate hyper trophy

Left sided deviated nasal septum 

Oral cavity- normal oral hygiene, posterior pharyngeal wall congested

Lower respiratory tract :

Inspection :

  • shape of chest is symmetrical,elliptical 
  • Trial’s sign absent 
  • Supraclavicular and infraclavicular hollowness is absent 
  • Chest expansion equal on both sides 
  • No crowding of ribs,drooping of shoulders
  • No usage of Accesory muscles of respiration 
  • Spinoscapular distance equal on both sides 
  • Apical impulse not seen 
  • No kyphosis / scoliosis
  • No sinuses, scars, engorged veins, visual pulsations

Palpation :

All inspectory findings are confirmed with palpation.

 Trachea central in position.

  Apex beat felt at Left 5th intercoastal space, 2cm median to mid clavicular line

 No local rise in temperature

 No tenderness 

  Tactile Vocal Fremitus is equal on both sides 

 Chest movements: Equal on both sides

 No crowding of ribs

  Antero-posterior diameter- 23cms

  Transverse- 21cms 

        I -  85cms


   Right hemithorax- 44cms

   Left hemithorax - 43cms


    Direct resonance- clavicle and      manubrium

    Indirect resonance - resonant in all areas.              


Bilateral air entry present 

Vesicular breath sounds

No added sounds 

  Cardiovascular Examination:

Thrills: no

Cardiac sounds: S1, S2 heard

Cardiac murmurs: No

Apex beat felt at Left 5th intercoastal space, 2cm median to mid clavicular line

Investigations :

Provisional Diagnosis:

Bronchial Asthama 


Tab.Azek 500mg OD

Tab.Montair LC (montelukast10mg +levocitrizine 5mg) OD

Syp. Ascoril 2tsp BD

Tab pantop 40mg OD

Tab paracetamol 650mg if temperature >99•F 

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